Degree Earned:MAEndorsementPrepares early childhood educators to become specialists in special education to meet the unique educational needs of young children with and without developmental disabilities. This pathway leads to becoming a classroom teacher or a specialist supporting classroom teachers.
Degree Earned:LicenseOffers a perfect fit for those interested in providing culturally responsive, family-centered, developmentally effective early education for children with disabilities in an inclusive setting. Specialists in early childhood special education are in high demand in Colorado and nationally, and play an important role as both lead teachers and specialists who support classroom teachers.
Degree Earned:EndorsementDesigned for teachers with early childhood, elementary, or special education licenses to advance and deepen their expertise in educating young children with special needs and supporting their families. On-campus, hybrid, or fully online formats are available. Recipients become lead teachers in classrooms or specialists supporting classroom teachers.
Degree Earned:PhDThe PhD in Inclusive Early Childhood Education concentration prepares candidates to be faculty members, researchers, and leaders. Graduates will be at the forefront of change in the areas of early childhood education, early childhood special education, and early childhood multicultural/multilingual education.
Degree Earned:EdDEnables leaders in higher education to continue their work while completing doctoral degrees. Graduates are effective leaders, passionate about educational access, equity, and social justice in diverse settings in higher education worldwide.