CU Denver’s BA to MA program (BAMA) in Education and Human Development is an expedient option designed to allow CU Denver students to complete both an undergraduate degree in Education and Human Development and a master’s degree in as little as five years. Pursuing an MA early in your career will allow you to deepen your expertise, advance your career goals and position you for leadership in your field. The BAMAs provide graduates with the skills to teach in a social justice framework, work with diverse learners and engage in high quality instruction and assessment. You will save money by completing graduate credits at the undergraduate tuition rate during your senior year that will double count toward your BA and your MA degree credit hours.
The program starts with our high quality EDHD BA program where students pursue a teaching license. It allows students to use up to 9 credits during their final year for both their BA and MA. You will save money by completing graduate credits at the undergraduate tuition rate during your senior year that will count toward your BA and your MA degree credit hours.
A BA to MA program is an uninterrupted enrollment plan that leads to both a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree. A student follows a prescribed BA to MA program plan of study. The typical two to three year time-frame that is required to earn a master’s degree may be decreased to as little as one year from the date a student receives a bachelor’s degree.
During an undergraduate’s senior year, BA to MA students develop a plan with their advisor to take graduate courses within their designated BA degree plan.
Apply for admission into the BA to MA program in the semester you apply for your professional year (senior year.)
Professional year applications are forwarded to faculty for those who have chosen to opt in to the BA to MA option for MA admission decisions.
After admittance, you will begin taking three graduate-level courses in your senior year.
Once you complete your bachelor’s degree, you move right into completing your master’s by taking 21 additional credits. If you choose to include an endorsement with your MA, you may need to take more than 21 additional credits to
receive the MA and an endorsement. If you require additional time, you have up to seven years to complete your master’s degree.
You can trust CU Denver to provide an education that will prepare you for excellence in your career. We have a name that is recognized for preparing leaders of excellence who value equal opportunities in education. Additionally, CU Denver’s School of Education and Human Development is counted among U.S. News & World Report’s “Best Graduate Schools,” making us one of the top education schools in the country.