Student Recognitions

Congratulations SEHD Undergraduate Students! We honor you and celebrate your achievements!

Spring 2025 Recognitions


Collegiality and Professionalism Recognition

This recognition is presented to SEHD undergraduates who have demonstrated extraordinary collegiality and professionalism with their colleagues, peers, and with faculty and staff during the year. The student’s collegial dispositions demonstrate a strong commitment to their academic and professional communities.

The student will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Is a supportive and collaborative partner by investing in the shared responsibilities of a group;
  • Demonstrates a demeanor of humility and continued improvement. The nominee is willing to tolerate ambiguity for the sake of problem solving and consistent learning;
  • Maintains a strengths-based perspective of the communities with which they work;
  • Contributes to the learning and knowledge in courses;
  • Supports an inclusive learning space through adhering to course, school and university policies;
  • Communicates, in all forms (written, verbal, nonverbal, etc.) with peers, faculty and staff in ways that are clear, kind, and attuned to each person.



Outstanding Student Recognition

This recognition is presented to SEHD undergraduates who have demonstrated outstanding service, leadership, and academic achievement during the year, and is committed to serving the University community.

The student will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Academic performance
  • Participation in on-campus and/or off-campus activities
  • Work experience while attending college
  • Other exceptional qualifications or service



Leadership Recognition

This recognition is given to SEHD undergraduates who have shown extraordinary leadership during the academic year within and beyond the School of Education & Human Development at the University of Colorado Denver.

The student will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Commitment to promoting diversity within the School of Education and Human Development
  • Demonstration of organizational leadership abilities by holding leadership positions either within or outside of the campus community
  • Informal leadership by serving as a role model to the other students, supporting other students, and stepping into when needed.
  • Utilization of leadership talents to initiate positive changes within the School of Education and Human Development



Community Service Recognition

This recognition is given to SEHD undergraduates who have made outstanding contributions in community service at the University of Colorado Denver and is dedicated to promoting equity and access to opportunity for all.

The student will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Contribution of volunteer time and service to an organization or in the community during the academic year
  • Participation in activities that benefit and improve the overall community experience
  • Dedication to promoting equity and access to opportunity



Undergraduate Champion Recognition

The Undergraduate Champion Recognition is given to advocates and supporters of undergraduate success, whether faculty, staff, or other SEHD-affiliated community members. An undergraduate champion is someone who is committed to the personal, academic, and professional lives of undergraduate students.




Harriette Pipes McAdoo Academic Excellence Award

Joseph Gallegos Servant Leadership Award

Outstanding Community Partner

Teacher Education


Passionate Educator


Community Educator for Equity


Curious Researcher


Outstanding Mentor (elementary/secondary)


Spring 2025 Academic Achievements

Gold Honors are awarded to students in the School of Education & Human Development who have earned a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or greater through the Fall semester.

Natasha Abila
Aylin Antonio Tenorio
Rey Aragon
Lupe Arroyo Madrigal
Merry Aung
Jenna Bachman
Kya Baker
Sapphire Barclay**
Alamea Barnes**
Haleigh Bates**
Dylan Bezdek
Kasie Boatright
Sierra Boos
Michelle Boyer
Priscilla Brannan
Tahlia Brayer
Sophia Bruni**
Leilah Burgos
Lea Byrne
Rosemary Calvert
Gianna Canestri**
Liberty Carlson
Andrew Carter
Dante Chirichigno
Samantha Christiansen
Jennifer Cox
Jennifer Crowley-Petrovic**
Kori Curtis
Abigail Daddato
Melody Dale
Madisyn Danforth
Callie Dickerson**
Carolyn Donovan*
Alma Doton
Kaitlyn Dubois
Maggie DuVall
Heather Eberhardt**
Alyce Elliott
Amanda Ertman*
Fernanda Esparza Narvaez
Reagan Fehringer
Taylor Finn
Story Fisher
Neil Fitzmaurice**
Liesel Frantzen
Katelyn Friedline*
Anah Fuelling
Alajianna Galen
Loida Garcia
Samantha Garcia
Molly Gardner
Danica Germane
Elika Gibson**
Nicole Girard
Brianna Givan
Bertha Godinez*
Joanna Goll
Pamela Gomez
Rachele Gonzalez
Margarita Gonzalez*
Abigail Goodmacher**
Dakota Granger
Tara Gress
Samantha Guerra
Jack Haag

Cassidy Haney
Kairi Hang
David Hardin
Lucky Hauer
Tiana Haussler
James Heaney
Jaycee Henderscheid
Allison Hernandez
Carolina Herrera Ascencio**
Mariah Hills
Ellie Hinz
Corrine Howard
Michaela Howard
William Huff
Stephany Hurst**
Fatuma Hussein
Everlin Javier Gomez
Kyra Johnson
Madison Jonason
Maddi Jones**
Jueun Kang
Peighton Kendrick**
Kolbi Key
Sobia Khan**
Jennifer Kilbourne
Andrew Kim
Katrina Ko*
Ashley Koehl
Kaitlyn La Cost
Constance LaFave
Paige LeBlanc
Nate Levin
Victoria Levy
Tammy Licano**
Karla Linenberger
Kee Ling
Sasha Lopez
Maura Lorden
Addie Lovato
Micah Lucero
Mckenzie Lyninger
Taylor Macias
Danielle Magri**
Justin Magruder**
Candelaria Manzo
Adilene Manzo Leyva
Shelby Marsh
Jason Martinez
Kiara Martinez*
Samantha Martinez**
Lillianne Martini Carrasco**
Courtney McGuire
Avery McLaughlin
Patrick McLaughlin
Amanda Medina**
Isabelle Mejia
Jericka Melgoza
Sierra Messing
Christopher Miller
Kristin Miller
Onistie Mills
Danielle Mitchell
Alexis Mobley
Dominique Moeller
Mikayla Zerr-Lockwood
Sofia Montanez-Trujillo
Eleanore Mooney
Madison Moyes**
Sandra Muller
Candie Mumm
Keydi Munoz
Rosine Niyoyishura**
Gladis Ortega
Kelly Ortiz-Enriquez
Damaris Otero
Cynthia Padron
Asia Patterson
Brandon Payne Bryant
Madelyn Pena
Andrew Perez
Savannah Perez Gallegos
Brielle Picaso
Bianca Pinuelas-Canales**
Heather Pischel
Ashleigh Pitcher
Bryan Ponce Estrada
Pamela Pousson
Laisha Prieto Garcia**
Asani Pugh
Guadalupe Ramirez Luna
Chelsea Reif
Madison Revier
Randa Ritchie
Katie Richter
Brittany Rivera
Esli Rivera
Madeleine Roberts*
Ivan Rodarte
Jaelynne Rosier
Keri Rule
Dazzary Salinas*
Jacob Sayre
Malia Seal
Megan Sellars
Rafia Shoaib
Emmalyn Shuldberg
Glen Snow
Rachel Solawetz
Yvette Soria
Veronica Sowell
Joseph St. Cyr**
Jerzie Stark
Kira Stilley
Jenni Suhr
Antonio Tasayco
Brandon Tinguely*
Sunnie Torrez
Serenity Travis**
Latasha Valencia
Aaron Valle
Emily Vela
Angelique Vigil**
Micaela Villarreal
Vincent Vuong
Jaclynn Walker**
Sydney Walker
Julia Waltz
Mariam Wardak*
Olivia Weller
Shayne Ybarra

**Fall 2024 Graduate
*Spring 2025 Tentative Graduate

Silver Honors are given to School of Education & Human Development students who have earned a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 to 3.49 through the Fall semester.

Tori Arguello
Katerina Barbich
Gina Bousquet
Megan Bowers
Kayla Brown**
Manuel Burgos Soto
Zulema Bustos-Munoz
Andre Camargo
Dain Campen
Katherine Cannady
Elise Cary**
Alexandra Casillas
Kimberly Chiprez
Connor Collins
Hannah Cordova**
Edie Craig
Grace Cunningham
Kailey Daugherty
Veronica DeLaCruz
Gisselle Diaz Alvarez
Andrea Ferrel-Alvarez**
Josephine Flores
Elijah Garcia
Lizbeth Garcia-Diaz**
Jesus Gonzalez
Melissa Grimes
Molly Henderson
Amanda Herron
Brooke Jessen**
Madison Jester
Audrey Kadlec
Lexie Kurtz
Nidia Lei
Jalyn Mearsha
Katrina Miller
Nour Nsirat*
Eden O'Connor
Danniel Palo
Cindy Peralta Reyes
Stephanie Perez*
Juliana Perez-Ioza
Abby Pfeifer
Ashley Pham
Lorraine Potvin
Alanna Pryor
Daixa Reyes-Lara
Lezly Ricalday
Coral Smith
Kaylee Thompson
Shauniely Torres
Madison Trujillo
Jade Ulibarri
Savanna Urbina**
Orlando Valencia
Vannessa Vigil
Kristy Walker**
Abigail Walston**
Kimberly Warfield
Rachel Watson*
Alexis Weathers
Gaia Williams
Abigale Yilma

**Fall 2024 Graduate
*Spring 2025 Tentative Graduate

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