Our Impact

Partnerships at the School of Education and Human Development

Marginal Syllabus

Associated Faculty: Remi Kalir
External Partners: National Writing Project, National Council of Teachers of English, Hypothesis
Focus: Research and Evaluation
About the Partnership: The Marginal Syllabus sparks and sustains conversations about educational equity via open and collaborative web annotation. The project embraces a political and technical double entendre; the Marginal Syllabus partners with authors whose writing may be considered marginal – or contrary  to dominant education norms, and online conversations among educators and authors occur in the margins of digital texts using web annotation. The Marginal Syllabus includes: a project website; two sets of curated, open access digital texts contributed by multiple scholarly publishers; public layers of Hypothes.is web annotation dialogue; blogs authored by project partners; and webinars (most featuring text authors) hosted by the National Writing Project.

Scope and Impact

Geographic Focus: Suburban
Scale: International
Begin year: 2016
Number of districts: 1
Universities: 1
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