Our Impact

Partnerships at the School of Education and Human Development

Bal-Swan Program Evaluation

Associated Faculty: Elizabeth Steed, Michael Barla
External Partners: Broomfield Early Childhood Council, Bal-Swan Early Childhood Center
Focus: Research and Evaluation
About the Partnership: The partnership includes conducting a program evaluation of their early learning center's activities and efforts toward the inclusion of young children with disabilities and their families. The program evaluation is focused on program process rather than program outcomes and specifically focuses on the process of inclusion at Bal Swan. A mixed-methods design is being used to collect information from multiple informants, including teacher observations, classroom rating scales, teacher surveys, family focus-groups, and brief interviews with children.

Scope and Impact

Geographic Focus: Suburban
Scale: Local
Begin year: 2018
Number of districts: 5
Schools: 5
Universities: 1
Community partners: 1
PK-12 students: 200
Teachers: 42
Families: 300
Children under 3: 100
Total participants: 342
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