School of Education & Human Development Graduates Meet Their Moment
Natasha Gardner Jun 17, 2024School Psychologist. Foundation Professional. Teacher. These are the career aspirations of several of the School of Education & Human Development’s Spring 2024 outstanding graduates. They found pathways to change their lives in classrooms, at internships and practicums, and in the workforce. We sat down with some of our graduates to hear more about why they picked CU Denver, what they studied, and what’s next.
Meet Tali Burger: After earning her master’s in crisis and trauma and working as a family therapist, Tali realized that her education journey wasn’t complete. Looking to grow in her field, she applied to CU Denver where she found a small cohort of doctoral students—just more than a dozen people—that bonded, networked, and supported each other. In addition to finishing a doctoral research project on cannabis use, mental health, and suicidality in adolescents, she has completed an internship and has served as president of the Student Affiliates in School Psychology group.
Earned: Doctor of Psychology, School of Psychology in the School of Education & Human Development with a credential in Neurosequential Model in Education
Why Did You Pick CU Denver? “I wanted to go back to school for more specific training in clinical psychology or school psychology. I found this program at CU Denver, and I applied. I interviewed and [fell in] love with the faculty, and just everything that this program offered. So instead of going with the clinical psych route, I went the school psychology route. And wow: I’ve really enjoyed everything that I’ve done so far!”
What Makes This Program Unique? "I’m so happy I made this decision because I didn’t realize how having that close network—the cohort and faculty—was so crucial to my own experience. … I want to empower folks to search for that.”
Next Up: Burger’s academic program has a 100% job placement rate, and she is actively looking for the right fit for the next stage of her career.
Meet Melissa Muniz: In her day job with the Latin American Education Foundation, Melissa is used to finding opportunities and solutions for students—because she’s had firsthand experience doing just that. Earning her master’s at CU Denver required her to balance life, work, health, and scholarship—something she said she was able to do because of her faculty, fellow students, family, and the CU Denver community.
Earned: Master of Arts in Counseling, School Counseling, School of Education & Human Development
You Picked CU Denver’s Program Because It Was In-Person, But the Pandemic Changed That. How Did That Go? “The faculty did a great job. I mean, obviously there are curveballs and challenges. But the adjustment to online school wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be. And they structured the classes in a way that felt very interactive.
Do You Have a Favorite Memory at CU Denver? “I think it was a collection of experiences across my time. The most pivotal moments for me, though, were around the times I thought, ‘I can’t do this anymore.’ Whether that was for financial or health reasons. Because, stuff happens, right? When I felt like I might need to quit, it was the community, my colleagues, peers, and the faculty that said, ‘You can keep doing this.’ That kept me going. And my family.”
Next Up: Melissa will use her degree to grow in her current role, which allows her to help first-generation students and students who are undocumented reach their academic goals.
Meet Paige Thompson: When Paige, a mother of three, sent her youngest off to college, she thought it was about time that she returned to school herself. CU Denver’s T-Prep Rural Educator Preparation program let her take courses online and work in classrooms near her home in northeastern Colorado. Now, with her BA and teaching license, she’s ready to level up her career.
Why Did You Go Back to School? “I made it a priority for all my kids to have a college education. I had gotten my associate’s way back when, and my husband has his degree. And it always really bothered me. … I’ve always wanted to pour everything into my children. … And I loved every second of it, loved every minute of it, but it was always in the back of my mind [that] I would want to finish my degree.”
Why Did You Pick CU Denver’s Program? “A lot of people offer elementary education, but not necessarily early childhood education. And I taught preschool for 15 years. … For me, one of my favorite parts about doing this was that somebody teaches you something or you hear a new thing that you want to do. And I could implement it the next day when I was in the classroom.”
Next Up: Paige loves her job and being able to apply what she’s learned at CU Denver. It’s a nice bonus that the degree will make her eligible for a pay increase.