The School of Education and Human Development at the University of Colorado Denver is a statewide and national leader for educational quality, access and equity across the education lifespan, birth through higher education. Our undergraduate and graduate programs prepare and inspire education and human development leaders to have profound impacts in fostering student opportunity, achievement and success in diverse communities throughout Colorado. We believe that all students deserve access to an excellent education; that all communities deserve well-supported high-quality schools; and all individuals and families deserve access to mental and community health resources that support their well-being. Our academic programs, our world-class faculty and our curriculum reflect this philosophy of inclusion and social justice. Through innovative research and partnerships, we strive to be passionate agents of change, inspiring upcoming generations to learn from the past and shape the future. Our commitment to diversity and inclusion works toward a more just and compassionate world.
Education and Well-Being for Equitytooltip— To prepare equity-minded and inclusive educational, community, family, and mental health practitioners, scholars, and leaders dedicated to eradicating inequalities and discrimination. We champion change that leads to well-being, opportunity, and life-long learning in the diverse urban, rural, and global communities that we serve.
We will distinguish our school by fulfilling our commitments to inclusive education, collaborative research, and equitable, anti-oppressive and anti-racist practices. While recognizing the past, we strive toward a socially just and democratic world.
We are a community of humans--diverse in identities, roles, experiences, expertise--committed to the difficult work of educational and social equity. In this work, we maintain a radical vision for our own individual and collective well-being. We do this through: